Many organizations are working in the southeast waterfront neighborhoods and parks and often need volunteers and organize events. Contact them for more up to date information.

List updated: August 2012


PORT OF SAN FRANCISCO | The Port manages 7.5 miles of the eastern waterfront from the Hyde St Pier in the north to India Basin in the south. They are leading the Blue Greenway initiative on the properties they control.

SAN FRANCISCO PARKS ALLIANCE | The Parks Alliance exists to inspire and promote civic engagement and philanthropy to protect, sustain, and enrich San Francisco parks and open spaces. The SFPA runs several programs that impact the southeastern waterfront, in particular through the Blue Greenway initiative.

SAN FRANCISCO BICYCLE COALITION | The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition is dedicated to creating safer streets and more livable communities for all San Franciscans.


MISSION CREEK CONSERVANCY | The Mission Creek Conservancy is dedicated to preserving and enhancing the tidal community at Mission Creek. They are actively restoring wetland and native plants along the south bank of Mission Creek and published Vanished Waters, A History of San Francisco's Mission Bay.

GREENTRUSTSF | GreenTrustSF - Central Waterfront is a community-based non-profit dedicated to realizing a greener Central Waterfront and improving the community's social and ecological health. They are stewards of Warm Water Cove, often organizing work days in the park.

DOGPATCH NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION | The Dogpatch Neighborhood Association is a grassroots organization of citizens concerned about San Francisco's historic Dogpatch neighborhood.

INDIA BASIN NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION | The IBNA's mission is to preserve the maritime history, natural beauty, diverse character and unique ambiance of the vibrant mixed-use neighborhood of India Basin through community organizing.

LITERACY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE | LEJ's mission is to foster an understanding of the principles of environmental justice and urban sustainability in our young people in order to promote the long-term health of our communities based in Bayview Hunters Point. LEJ has monthly volunteer opportunities at the Candlestick Point SRA Native Plant Nursery and Community Garden and at Heron's Head Park.


SHAPING SAN FRANCISCO | Shaping San Francisco is a participatory community history project documenting and archiving overlooked stories and memories of San Francisco. They mantain the archive at

BAYCAT | BAYCAT educates, empowers and employs underserved youth and young adults to produce digital media that tells their unique stories and engages them to positively transform themselves, their communities and the world.